写一篇英语作文我的周末 my weekend(我的周末)
My weekend is interesting. On Saturday, I go to an English club. This English club name is EF. I like go to EF, because EF s classes is fun. I can play some games. The games are always funny, and I very like them. On Sunday, I am at home...
小学生英语作文 My last weekend(我的周末)
My weekend plan 我的周末计划英语作文
Tomorrow is Saturday,we are so busy.We will get up..
My last weekend 我的周末英语作文300字
That was a busy last weekend!On Saturday morning,I went to my grandma’s home with my sister and my mom.We helped my grandma clean the house and ate lunch together.Then I went home and did my homework and read books in the afternoon.In the..
My Weekend 我的周末英语作文
It wasverywarmlastweekend. LastSaturdaymorning, my mother and I went to Haining Leather City. We got there by train. At 10:30 we got there, than we went to eat lunch. At 12:00, we went to Leather City, I bought a bag, my mother bought a ba..
My last weekend 我的周末英语日记200字
It was very warm last weekend. On Saturdany morning,I played computer games,it was very funny.On Saturday afternoon,I had a drawing class.On Sunday ,I went to a park with my parents.We played there.I was very happy.On Sunday afternoon,I ha..
My weekend 我的周末英语作文
I had a very busy weekend. On Saturday, I went toWestLakewith my mom and dad. We flew kites and took some pictures there, we were very happy. And I went to science on Saturday afternoon. In the evening, we went to restaurant. We ate some t..
My weekend 我的周末英语日记
I was busy weekend.I went to school Saturday morning.In the afternoon,I went to a bookstore and read books there,they were very funny.I was happy.In the evening,I watched TV.Sunday afternoon,I climbed the mountain with my parents,I was ver..
My weekend 关于我的周末的英语作文
Last Saturday was warm,and it was very busy.In the morning,I did my homework and had my training class.In the afternoon,I saw a film and read books.In the evening,we went shopping...
my weekend 我的周末英语作文
my weekend It was evry warmlast weekend.My mothandI visitedmy grandparents. I played computergrams and watch TV in the evening.Iread Englishon Sundaymorning. I ate the fish、egg、and beef for lunch.Iwent home in the evening...
My last weekend 我的周末英语作文
I was very busy last weekend. The weather was very fine. OnSaturday morning, My parents and I wenttotheWestlake, andtookmanyphotos.Then,wewentKFCforlunch. The food was very delicious. But it was not healthy. I had a hamburger,aglass of col..
My weekend 我的周末英语作文300字
Last weekend, I was very busy. Saturday morning. I got up early, and I did my homework. At 13:00, I cleaned my bedroom, and my study room, then, I played sports with father and mother. In the afternoon,we went home and watched TV. On Sunda..
My weekend 我的周末英语作文
Last weekend,I was very busy.On Saturday morning,I stayed at home,I did my homework and had my Chinese class and Math class.In the evening I visit Mygrandparents.On Sunday morning,I had my English class.In the afternoon,I played basketball..
军训生活 初一我的军训作文600字
我的童年 初一我的童年作文1600字
我的童年是在一个二线城市度过的。记得那个时候,物资还很缺乏,我家里有四个黄黄的电灯泡,四个煤油灯,四盒蜡烛,一到晚上就停电,于是妈妈点亮了油灯或蜡烛,在昏暗的灯光下,我们一家三口人围着一张桌子吃晚饭。 那是我刚满两岁的时候的事了,是后来妈妈..
我最喜欢的一堂语文课 初一作文600字
“唉,烦死了,下节又是作文课 蓖桌的埋怨声一下把我从周公那拉了回来。“什么?下节上作文课?真是的,昨晚忘了恶补几篇作文了 薄岸园《园。怎么办呢……”“丁零零……”在同学们的抱怨和上课铃声中,班主任兼语文老师的老班走了进来。他看了看下面一个个愁..
初一生活撷趣 我的初一生活作文700字
桌上有一支笔——的确。 桌上有一张纸——是的。 纸上可以写字——记录下我的初一。 2008年的夏天,踏着朝阳,为我步入初中。如今一年过去了,我回望初一。 从“绿色军营,五彩军训”开始,我踏出了初中生活的第一步,在军训中,我学会了站军姿、叠被褥,从..
初一新生活 我的初中生活作文300字
带着小学的知识,带着小学的性格,带着小学的习惯,我们踏进了初中的大门,此时,我们已是名副其实的初中生。我们面临着人生中第一个转折点,又是激动,又是兴奋。 踏进班级,一切都是陌生的,陌生的同学,陌生的老师,就连桌椅也是陌生的,我高兴,我寂寞。..
我的初一 我的初一生活800字作文
在微醺的夏日,我走出了小学的校门,翻开了初中崭新的一页。初一的我,像寒冬里含苞待放的花蕊,开放出自信的花朵;初一的我,像破土而出的嫩芽,激扬无限的斗志;初一的我像展翅初飞的雏鹰,坚持自己搏击蓝天的理想。我的初一,写满无尽的憧憬与美好…… 踏..
那天,我捡到了快乐的钥匙 初一记叙文900字
人都在渴望快乐,人人都在感受幸福 】炖钟惺崩胛颐呛茉叮有时又离我们很近。但奉献是快乐,给予是快乐,获得市快乐,享受是快乐。 上小学三年级的时候,我转了一次学。从一个全校只有100多人的小学校转到了一所一个班就有50多人的大学校。我很具有亲和力,..


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