可爱的大熊猫 可爱的国宝100字作文
我与英语不得不说的故事 六年级叙事作文1000字
古人云:兴在趣方逸。说得妙啊!每天的生活都有不同、都有精彩,每个人都有自己乐在其中的爱好。没有兴趣爱好的人,生活是平淡无奇的,是乏味的。在生活中,也许只要这一滴淡淡的色彩,就能把你的生活渲染得丰富多彩。你的爱好又是什么呢? 我的爱好是——英..
我喜欢的小熊猫 写玩具作文100字
我喜欢的小熊猫 我喜欢的玩具是小熊猫,它小巧精致。 它全身毛茸茸的,摸上去舒服极了,一个白白的头,一双黑不溜秋的眼镜,鼻子是三角形的,嘴巴小小的,嘴里还衔着竹叶,肚子圆鼓鼓的,尾巴短短的,真可爱。 每当我睡觉的时候都抱着它,还把它当成了小宝宝..
小学生英语作文100字 我的父母很严格
My parents are very strict to me. When I was very small, they have realized that they couldnt spoil me, so when I ask them to buy me all kinds of toys, they first tell me that I have similar one. If I cry, then they will let me calm down a..
描写上课的作文100字 我们的外教英语课
英语作文100字 The Beautiful Morning(美好的早晨)
Today is Sunday. Early in the morning, I get up and then go out of the house with my grandma. She walks to the square and then dances with her partner. I just watch them and then learn to dance. I feel so happy to do some exercises in the..
小学生英语作文100字 The Prize I Get(我得到的奖励)
I am a lazy girl. In order to let me learn more things, my mother will give me some prizes when I finish the task. Sometimes when I wash the dishes or clean the floor, she will give me a little money, then I can buy some snacks, or sometim..
关于英语的作文100字 A Strong Girl(一个坚强的女孩)
Last week, when I went to the market with my mother, I found a girl was helping her mother to sell fruit. After a while, she took out her books and then sat down to read. It touched my heart, because she loved study so much, while most stu..
小学生英语作文100字 My New Dress(我的新衣服)
My mother will buy me new clothes in the New Year, which means the new beginning of the year. I am so excited about this present and my parents have rules for me. If I act politely all the year round, they will award me with more expensive..
小学四年级英语作文100字 The Tough Choice(艰难的选择)
As the winter vacation comes, my school has activities for students, and we can choose to go to other cities to learn the historical knowledge. I want to join, but I also want to spend some time with my grandparents. At last, I make the to..
英语作文100字 A Cat in the Cage(笼子里的猫)
Last night, when I walked in the street, I found a cat in the cage. It was calling, which seemed it wanted to be free. Watching the cats situation, I feel sorry for it, because I dont have rights to set it free. The animal should be back t..
英语作文100字 The Color I Like(我喜欢的颜色)
When it rains with sunshine, I will be very excited, because I know I can see the rainbow soon. The colorful rainbow always attracts me, and the color red is so beautiful, which is my favorite color. When I am in red clothes, it makes me l..
初中英语作文100字 The Meaning of Spring Festival(春节的意义)
Every year, when the Spring Festival comes, which is the biggest festival in China, Chinese people from all over the world will come back to their hometown and spend the day together. For me, as I grow up, I am not that excited about sprin..
My Wish 我的愿望英语作文100字
Year 2012 is coming to us with happy and light footsteps. In 2012,I have many wishes.The first one is to learn science hard.Because my science is not very good.The second is eating more meat and not get fat.Because I like eating.The third..
星期天,我去外婆家玩,咦!家里怎么多了条小狗?它长着黑白相间的毛发,圆滚滚的小身体,眼睛处有个黑色的小圆圈,看起来像极了小熊猫,我问外公:“它叫什么名字?”外公说:“它叫小熊猫。” 它第一次见我的时候,冲我乱叫,我觉得它认为我是外人,要伤害..
我眼中的春天 四年级诗歌作文100字
家乡的春天 我爱你春天100字
勇气 难忘的音乐课作文100字
愉快的六一 快乐的儿童节作文100字


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