小学三年级英语作文100字 A Good Book(一本好书)
I have read many books. Good books can give me good advice and make me learn a lot. Once a book shows me how to be a good child and learn to grow up. After I finish reading, I accept my shortcomings and who I am. I need to face my problem...
小学生写景作文大全5篇 小学三年级写景作文
小学三年级英语作文 My Favourite Toy(我最喜欢的玩具)
动物之间的笑话 小学生笑话大全
说说我自己 三年级小学生英文自我介绍
Hello,Im Chen Hongshuo,Im six years old.Im a bay.I like blue. I like dog, There are five people in my family,grandfather,grandmother,daddy,mummy and I. I love my family.Im fond of study...
December 2 2008 小学生叙事英语日记
December 2 2008 Today is Tuesday 。Today is English day, too 。In the morning 。I finish the hygiene hurried entered the classroom 。When move about 。We every jumped the big rope 。Then we the collective jumped the big rope again 。We ar..
November 24 2008 小学生英语日记
November 24 2008 Today is Monday 。I not happiness 。Because our class did not win the circulating red flag 。So every body’s moods lose very much 。After entering the classroom。 The schoolmates are silent 。Our class want to win the cir..
November 27 2008 小学生英语日记
November 27 2008 Today is very cold 。Because the snow melted 。As the saying goes “snowfall is not cold well 。Melt the snow is cold。” I like to play the snow 。My favorite season is winter。 But I do not like cold 。Do you like winter..
December 1 2008 小学生英语日记
December 1 2008 Today this is that this week on first day。 Today this is that this month on first day, too。 Today’s mood is very happy。 I get up very early。 It is fine today。 White clouds high hang in the sky 。In the morning。 I fi..
November 29 2008 小学生英语日记
November 29 2008 Today is Saturday 。I went to school today 。Because hygiene will be done today。 Taking my broom, I have left 。I went to school early 。I began to do the hygiene。 I am pushing small push the car。 Garbage is received t..
船出长江口 (打一直辖市名)谜底:上海。银河渡口 (打一直辖市名)谜底: 天津。花瓣弄影影半遮 (打一直辖市名)谜底: 北京。更多谜语都在腾教育网。..
学英语 三年级学生日记200字
今天早晨,我起来的很早,起床以后,我就坐在沙发上看了一会电视,看着看着,突然,我想起了我的英语单词还不会写,于是我就给爸爸打电话,爸爸说要上午下班才能回家,然后我就等,等呀等,爸爸终于回来了。他教我该怎么记这一些英语单词。 下午,爷爷送我去..
November 26 2008 小学生英语日记
November 26 2008 I am very happy today 。Because snowed today 。I like to play the snow 。The snow is white like the powdered sugar, salt and goose feather 。Very interesting 。The snow is very cool 。Their shape every not same 。In the w..
November 28 2008 小学生英语日记
November 28 2008 Today is Friday 。Today is a week’s the last day, too。 I am so happy 。Because our class watch movies in the classroom today 。But our computer isn’t working 。But I be glad 。Because our class will want to do the hygi..
November 20 2008 小学生英语日记100字
November 20 2008 Today is Friday 。I am very happy 。Because I spent the happiness in the school a day 。I jump the big rope with classmates 。Do you know there is affair at the back ?Let me tell you 。I room of Islam 。This is that I am..
英语书 三年级日记200字
英语书 今天早上妈妈要我背英语,我也很认真的背,可是有一个单词就是想不起来,所以等了好半天。妈妈见了让我读几遍,我便读了。可能没认真读,就开使背了,their这个单词又忘了,妈妈把书扔了过来,正好打到了我的眼睛,我哭了。我很生气,心想:她凭什么..
小学生谜语 语文用语谜语大全
谜面:语不惊人 (打一语文用语)谜底:普通话。解析:讲的话很普通。谜面:孙中山自传 (打三字语文用语)谜底:文言文。更多谜语都在腾教育网。..
小兔子的一天 三年级想象童话故事大全300字
清晨一缕缕温暖的阳光照在生机勃勃的大地上,小兔子在家里认真的写作业,温柔美丽的兔妈妈走过来摸摸小兔子的头说:“这么好的天气,你怎么不出去玩呢?”小兔子说:“我的作业还没有学完,一会写完了,我就出去玩的。” 中午,火辣辣地太阳照在身上,动一动..
我的好朋友 小学三年级写人物作文500字
“朋友一生一起走,那些日子不再有,一句话,一辈子,一生情,一杯酒……”我只要一听到《朋友》这首歌,我就会想起我念念不忘的好朋友,她就是——田若汐 。 田若汐今年九岁,长得很可爱,白里透红。的脸蛋上挂着一丝丝微笑,会有一个凹进去,你们知道吗?下面就让我来..


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