动物自我介绍 一只小鸡作文200字
Stephen Hawking 介绍史蒂芬霍金的英语作文
Ladies and gentlemen, its my great honor to make a speech here. I am member of Shenzhen Science Club.I am terribly sorry to hear that Stephen Hawking passed away on March 14th, 2018.So id like to introduce this brilliant scientist to all o..
小白兔 给大家介绍一种动物作文300字
今天我要为大家介绍一只可爱的动物——小白兔,我特别喜欢小白兔,所以我给它取名叫雪儿,你可能会问我,为什么给它取叫雪儿,那是因为它浑身的绒毛都是雪白的。 雪儿的眼睛红红的,像两颗闪闪发亮的红宝石,它的眼睛上面长着一弯眉毛。雪儿还有三瓣嘴,吃起..
可爱的小龟龟 介绍一种动物作文500字
外婆家养了四只黄缘闭壳龟,据说它们还是国家二级保护动物呢!这几只乌龟其中有三只年龄比我还大。我喜欢最小的那只,因为她最小也最可爱,才两周岁大呢! 她的头一摇一晃,有时伸长,像一个哨兵在探查情报,有时缩进龟壳里,像是有什么危险的东西在向她靠近..
小学英语演讲稿 Animals(动物)
My family 介绍我的家人英语作文
There are three people in my familyThey are my mother my father and IMy mother is beautifulShe is white-collar workerShe likes singingShe likes shoppingShe likes cookingShe helps my lessons everydayMy father is coolHe is a managerHe likes..
This is me a lovely girl! 女孩子自我介绍的英语作文
Hello! My name is Mary. I’m nine, years old. I’m in grade three. I am a very talented girl. I have beautiful eyes, small mouth and black hair. I like music, drawing, reading, sports, and English better. I like eating ice cream, cake, app..
This is me 三年级自我介绍英语作文
Hello , my nameis Tracy. Im in class one grade five. Im a girl of eight years old. Im thin and tall. I‘ma teachersaide , the students partner. I like hamburger but I dont like appie-pie. I like sing but I dont like jump. Im a clever girl...
Introduce Myself 小学生自我介绍英语作文
My name is Cailuyang.I`m nine .I come from CHINA.I`m in class four,grade four.I`m thin.I have two big eyes,a small nose and a small mouth.I like eatting apples and playing computer games. I have a beautiful family. There are four people in..
自我介绍 小学生自我介绍英语作文
Hello,do you know me?My name is Wang Yuzhi,l am twelve years old,alought l am fat,l am very activite.l am a fast learner.My favorite subjecy is biology.do you love this subject?..
My Picture 介绍我的照片的英语作文
一 His is me! This is my good friend ,she is yan xin, she is eighe.she like wearing a red dress and shoes . she is my aunt`s daughter ,she and , I are classniates . we often play together . 二 This is my bithday cake. He is my grandfaher, h..
写介绍自己的作文500字 喜爱动物的我
我叫陈梓铭,因为我属牛,所以妈妈给我起了个小名叫阿牛,爸爸有时候叫我牛哥。 我喜欢看书,也喜欢体育运动。游泳、足球、篮球样样都喜欢,运动会上,跳绳、跑步等比赛项目还为班级赢得了好成绩。但是我最大的特点就是喜爱动物。 我非常喜欢动物,如果经过..
英语自我介绍作文 Self Introduce(自我介绍)
Hello, everyone! My name is Jed, Im 9 years old Im from Zhongxin ShiYanXiao. Im in Grade 3. Im a kind-hearted, honest and brave sunshine boy. I love painting. I am the head of the art community of Grade 3. One of my paintings has become th..
介绍春节的英语作文 Spring Festival(春节)
Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. Before the Spring Festival People clean their houses,put red couplets on their gates,and set off firecrackers to drive away the legendary monster Nian. On the eve of the Spring Fest..
介绍动物的作文300字 我是一只大老虎
大家好,我是森林里的百兽之王,也是至今世界上最大的猫科动物,想必你已猜出我是谁了吧?对了,我就是鼎鼎有名的大老虎。 我有一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,我的鼻头是粉色的,中间还有小黑点,可特别了!我的耳朵是半圆形的,我还有两颗人见人怕的犬牙。你可别小看..
介绍动物的作文400字 我眼中的狐狸
关于介绍狗的作文500字 我喜欢的动物
你会写关于介绍狗的作文吗?“方块脸,小耳朵,爱吃肉骨头”你们猜对了吗?对,小狗。它是我的好朋友名叫“布 薄8多关于介绍狗的作文都在腾教育网。..
说明文两篇 介绍动物作文


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