学英语 三年级学生日记200字
今天早晨,我起来的很早,起床以后,我就坐在沙发上看了一会电视,看着看着,突然,我想起了我的英语单词还不会写,于是我就给爸爸打电话,爸爸说要上午下班才能回家,然后我就等,等呀等,爸爸终于回来了。他教我该怎么记这一些英语单词。 下午,爷爷送我去..
英语书 三年级日记200字
英语书 今天早上妈妈要我背英语,我也很认真的背,可是有一个单词就是想不起来,所以等了好半天。妈妈见了让我读几遍,我便读了。可能没认真读,就开使背了,their这个单词又忘了,妈妈把书扔了过来,正好打到了我的眼睛,我哭了。我很生气,心想:她凭什么..
Health is important 一篇英语作文
Health is the most important thing in our lives. Good health may bring us good work and a long happy. In order to keep fit, we should often eat fruit and vegetables, go to bed earlier and get up earlier. It takes us one hour to do excise every day. W..
This is me 三年级自我介绍英语作文
Hello , my nameis Tracy. Im in class one grade five. Im a girl of eight years old. Im thin and tall. I‘ma teachersaide , the students partner. I like hamburger but I dont like appie-pie. I like sing but I dont like jump. Im a clever girl...
November252008 It is a special festival today .Because this has been that English in our class for day .English was set up by our English teacher day .English teacher is for raising the level of our English .So set up English day .In the E..
I Don’t Like Winter 三年级学生英语日记
Today is very cold .Because the snow melted .As the saying goes “snowfall is not cold well .Melt the snow is cold.” I like to play the snow .My favorite season is winter. But I do not like cold .Do you like winter? At winter .Every body..
December22008 Today is Tuesday .Today is English day, too .In the morning .I finish the hygiene hurried entered the classroom .When move about .We every jumped the big rope .Then we the collective jumped the big rope again .We are very hap..
日记 三年级学生英语日记
December52008 Today is Friday .Today is this month on sixth day, too. Today is so boring.In the morning .I ate the some bread for breakfast .Then I did my homework. I ate some rice, beef, potatoes and tomatoes for lunch .In the afternoon ...
写一篇英语作文我的周末 my weekend(我的周末)
My weekend is interesting. On Saturday, I go to an English club. This English club name is EF. I like go to EF, because EF s classes is fun. I can play some games. The games are always funny, and I very like them. On Sunday, I am at home...
三年级写一篇游记300字 山东之旅
今年暑假,我和同学们邀约一起去山东游玩。我们一路去了曲阜、潍坊、威海、青岛等地方。这次旅游最让我难忘的是登泰山和参观甲午战争博物馆。 7月6日我们去登泰山,是从中天门一直到南天门。刚开始的时候,大家精力充沛,活蹦乱跳,有说有笑,不时地停下来拍..
小学三年级英语作文100字 A Good Book(一本好书)
I have read many books. Good books can give me good advice and make me learn a lot. Once a book shows me how to be a good child and learn to grow up. After I finish reading, I accept my shortcomings and who I am. I need to face my problem...
三年级作文400字 欢快的英语节
三年级英语作文 My Holiday(我的假期)
小学三年级英语作文 My Favourite Toy(我最喜欢的玩具)
三年级英语作文 My Favourite toy(我最喜欢的玩具)
英语试卷 三年级记事日记200字
2012年3月20日 天气:晴 今天,英语课上,MS.ZHOU在讲前几天我们考的英语试卷。我很担心,万一考得不好怎么办?我还想:到底能考几分呢?我等啊等,终于,到了大课间,我在做作业的时候,MS.ZHOU让姚宇澄帮她登记好成绩单,再让我发掉,这时候我非常紧张。姚..
阅一篇异国华章——英语 初中记叙文1000字
每个人都有喜欢的语言,而我就比较喜欢英语。也许听到这有些人就纳闷了:中国人怎么会喜欢学习外国的语言呢?那是因为你们没有感受到英语是有多么的有趣。 英语属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日曼语支,它从古英语时期——公元449年至1100年,到中古英语时..
美丽的夏天 三年级夏天作文300字
夏天像个公主下凡来到了我们人间。 山丘上长满了碧绿的树,像穿上了一个绿色的童装。我们学校的草坪绿油油的像绿色的图画,早晨的..
《爱心树》读后感 三年级读后感作文200字
苹果树的故事 三年级童话故事作文300字


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