简易热带鱼饲料的做法 英语作文
热带鱼的饲养如果缸子做好了,制作鱼饲料应该比较简单,试论一二: African fish if feed in jar already, theway to make out fish food should be simple, let me try to make sence: (简章)小毳的鱼饲料 (simple) Fish food 食物配备,简单的说,初级选..
Stephen Hawking 介绍史蒂芬霍金的英语作文
Ladies and gentlemen, its my great honor to make a speech here. I am member of Shenzhen Science Club.I am terribly sorry to hear that Stephen Hawking passed away on March 14th, 2018.So id like to introduce this brilliant scientist to all o..
家乡的端午节 介绍端午节作文300字
农历五月初五是我们传统的节日期端午节。 相传,古代有一位爱国诗人屈原,因为反抗坏人的残酷迫害,于五月初五那天投江自杀了。百姓们便组织小船到江中寻找屈原的尸体,同时,为了不让诗人被鱼虾吃掉,就把粽子投到江里喂鱼虾,好让鱼虾吃饱不去吃诗人。后来..
中国梦作文500字 新能源汽车带我走进中国梦
夜已深,我进入了梦乡。 梦把我带入了2050年,那时我在某大学中文系任教。我一家人坐在新能源汽车里一边旅游、一边工作学习。新能源汽车有智能网联功能,车上有网络,有空调、办公室、学习室、卧室、厨房、卫生间,既舒适,又温馨。该车是无入驾驶,调控一下..
小学生读后感作文500字 一带一路,筑梦中国读后感
祖国在我心中作文600字 一带一路 筑梦中国
放飞中国梦作文500字 筑梦中国,一带一路
中国梦作文600字 《筑梦中国,一带一路》观后感
筑梦中国心得体会400字 一带一路筑梦中国读后感
中国梦作文1200字 一带一路筑梦中国
我的家乡中国陕西,就位于古丝绸之路的起点,回顾历史,我仿佛听到了山间回荡的声声驼铃,似乎看到了大漠上的袅袅孤烟。这一切都让我感到亲切。题记 千百年来,从驿站到港口,从陆地到海洋,构筑一条条连接东西方商路的努力,从未停止。从西汉的张骞出使西域..
My family 介绍我的家人英语作文
There are three people in my familyThey are my mother my father and IMy mother is beautifulShe is white-collar workerShe likes singingShe likes shoppingShe likes cookingShe helps my lessons everydayMy father is coolHe is a managerHe likes..
This is me a lovely girl! 女孩子自我介绍的英语作文
Hello! My name is Mary. I’m nine, years old. I’m in grade three. I am a very talented girl. I have beautiful eyes, small mouth and black hair. I like music, drawing, reading, sports, and English better. I like eating ice cream, cake, app..
介绍中国美食的作文400字 拉面
拉面是西北城乡独具地方风味的面食名吃。今天,我就品尝了一下晶莹剔透的拉面。 我到店里叫让老板给做一碗拉面。当他开始动手,我就在他的身旁聚精会神地看。只见他先将和好的大团软面反复捣、揉、抻、摔,面团变得光滑发亮,有劲道。他揪下一团大小合适的小..
This is me 三年级自我介绍英语作文
Hello , my nameis Tracy. Im in class one grade five. Im a girl of eight years old. Im thin and tall. I‘ma teachersaide , the students partner. I like hamburger but I dont like appie-pie. I like sing but I dont like jump. Im a clever girl...
Introduce Myself 小学生自我介绍英语作文
My name is Cailuyang.I`m nine .I come from CHINA.I`m in class four,grade four.I`m thin.I have two big eyes,a small nose and a small mouth.I like eatting apples and playing computer games. I have a beautiful family. There are four people in..
自我介绍 小学生自我介绍英语作文
Hello,do you know me?My name is Wang Yuzhi,l am twelve years old,alought l am fat,l am very activite.l am a fast learner.My favorite subjecy is biology.do you love this subject?..
My Picture 介绍我的照片的英语作文
一 His is me! This is my good friend ,she is yan xin, she is eighe.she like wearing a red dress and shoes . she is my aunt`s daughter ,she and , I are classniates . we often play together . 二 This is my bithday cake. He is my grandfaher, h..
介绍家乡的作文300字 中国小商品城
想不想去我的家乡义乌看看,想的话就跟我来吧! 义乌最有名的就是小商品城。那里一共有三层楼。要去第一层的请跟我来,一楼大多数的摊位是卖皮带的,如果你肚子饿的话,就要从大门口一直走,走到那个交叉口。如果上厕所的话大门进去就是了。 二楼是卖手套、..
英语自我介绍作文 Self Introduce(自我介绍)
Hello, everyone! My name is Jed, Im 9 years old Im from Zhongxin ShiYanXiao. Im in Grade 3. Im a kind-hearted, honest and brave sunshine boy. I love painting. I am the head of the art community of Grade 3. One of my paintings has become th..
介绍春节的英语作文 Spring Festival(春节)
Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. Before the Spring Festival People clean their houses,put red couplets on their gates,and set off firecrackers to drive away the legendary monster Nian. On the eve of the Spring Fest..


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