简易热带鱼饲料的做法 英语作文
热带鱼的饲养如果缸子做好了,制作鱼饲料应该比较简单,试论一二: African fish if feed in jar already, theway to make out fish food should be simple, let me try to make sence: (简章)小毳的鱼饲料 (simple) Fish food 食物配备,简单的说,初级选..
我愿意当英语课代表 五年级优秀作文700字
我愿意当英语课代表! 今年,我成功的当上了英语课代表。就在那以后 ,我开始收发英语本。这可不是一项轻松的任务。每天我需要非常早的来到学校,挨家挨户地收取作业本。有的同学非常认真,交作业本很积极,但是有些同学就很不配合,总是拖拖拉拉,不是忘带..
从英语班到大河坝 我的成长经历作文1300字
小时候我英语学的不好,忧心的父母把我送到就近的英语培训班学习。 从此,我的童年课外学习生活从这里开始了。刚开始还好,老师每天用极其温和的口气提问问题;下课了,几个同学肆无忌惮地在走廊里跑跳、打闹,还可以下楼去买自己喜欢吃的东西。感觉过得很是..
英语弱智 高一作文600字
我是个英语弱智。 邻班的小明跑来问我英语考了多少分,我环顾四周,确定没人注意后,压低声音说:“×××……”我看到他的嘴唇和眼皮忽地拉大了距离,一副看到了非洲野驴的样子。他连忙伸出右臂,搂住我的肩膀,用手拍拍我的头说:“没关系的……..
长江东逝水 缅怀历史人物的作文500字
“滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。是非成败转头空,青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。” ----题记 滚滚长江,巍巍中华。民族沧桑五千载,古今多少事,都付之东流。 两千多年前,一位失意的茫士来到了这里。怀石赴水,留下了今日的龙舟争游。令人敬畏的屈子,在江边吟..
《长江七号》观后感 小学生观后感作文400字
4 今天 ,我在爸爸的笔记本电脑上,看了昨天就想看的《长江七号》。 故事的意思大概是:有一个UFO被迫降在了地球上,走的时候掉了一个小伙伴,被一个穷人(周星驰扮演)捡到了。一开始,“长江七号”还只是个球,所以它被穷人当作玩具送给了他的儿子(周小狄..
一节英语课 难忘的英语课作文500字
这次期末考试我英语考得不好,看着爸爸、妈妈失望的表情,我的心情特别糟糕。我决定在暑假期间抓紧时间把英语给补一补。 我在我的一个好朋友家里学英语,一开始老师就分别给我们每个同学取了一个英文名字,我叫Cindy(辛蒂)。老师一下子就把我们带进了一个奇..
高二作文700字 长江
我生在长江边,喝着长江长大,对长江有着一份特殊的感情。长江同黄河一样古老,但却充满活力,我希望人们能合理利用长江水,不要让她成为第二条被破坏的黄河! 在中国的北方有一条生命之河--黄河,她被中国人亲切的称作母亲河!黄河孕育出华夏古老的文明,哺育..
英语课我们又没有赢 二年级叙事作文200字
英语课上我们小组活动得了3朵红花 我这个组长心里特别高兴 大家动作好 表情好 说的也很流利 单老师表扬了我们 为了小组活动能成功我这个组长是想了办法的 用一帮一的方法 两个人扮演一个角色 说得好的带一个说的不是太好的 这样在表演的时候就不会忘词了 本..
一次难忘的英语活动 让我难忘的英语活动300字作文
今天,我们班举行了一场别开生面的攀登英语中期展示活动。我和连璐是小主持人。爸爸知道了,一大早坐火车从亳州赶回来,为我加油助威。我又紧张又激动。许多家长也陆续来到了我们班,我们班可真热闹呀! 表演开始了,大家都献出了自己最拿手的英语节目。家长..
Doing Housework is so Happy 做家务让我快乐英语作文
I like doing housework.Because it not only can make my mother a little relaxed but also can keep me healthy.I often do housework such as setting tables,washing clothes,washing dishes,sweeping the floor and so on. I always remember that I f..
Doing Housework 妈妈表扬我英语作文
Doing Housework On Saturday morning when I was watching TV, my mom said“If you have nothing to do, what about helping me do housework? I have a thing to deal with .” Although I dislike doing housework , I can`t refuse my mom. I think tha..
Doing Housework 写做家务的英语作文
Doing Housework It is our duty to help parents do housework ,and it is also a duty as a member of the family. For me, I always wash dishes after dinner. Sometimes I sweep the floor on weekends, but my mother does that more of the time. At..
Housework 关于做家务的英语作文
Housework Doing housework is a kind of exercise for us.So I do housework every day and I like to do housework. I usually cook meals for myself.Because my parents are busy with their work.So that,I have to cook meals by myself.Besides that,..
Doing Housework 初中生我爱做家务英语作文
I think housework is that kind of thing that I do not like doing. But I have to do that. I always do housework such as washing dishes, cleaning desks and making ground clean. Cleaning desks is the thing I will do. Because I was taught to d..
Help Our Parents to do Housework 帮父母做家务英语作文
Help Our Parents to do Housework Students don’t like to do housework.They said they were so busy that they didn’t have time to help parents do housework.I don’t think they are true. On weekends,I often help my parents clean my bedroom e..
Doing Housework 我爱做家务英语作文
I like doing housework. I can sweep the floor, clean the room, wash the dishes and take away the rubbish so on. Last Sunday, I was free, and I wanted to do something. I cleaned my room and washed the dishes, then I bought some vegetables f..
December 2 2008 小学生叙事英语日记
December 2 2008 Today is Tuesday 。Today is English day, too 。In the morning 。I finish the hygiene hurried entered the classroom 。When move about 。We every jumped the big rope 。Then we the collective jumped the big rope again 。We ar..


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