Doing Housework 初中生我爱做家务英语作文
I think housework is that kind of thing that I do not like doing. But I have to do that. I always do housework such as washing dishes, cleaning desks and making ground clean. Cleaning desks is the thing I will do. Because I was taught to d..
Doing Housework 我爱做家务英语作文
I like doing housework. I can sweep the floor, clean the room, wash the dishes and take away the rubbish so on. Last Sunday, I was free, and I wanted to do something. I cleaned my room and washed the dishes, then I bought some vegetables f..
I Like Doing Housework 我爱做家务英语作文
I Like Doing Housework Many students dont do chores.Because they are busy with their shcool work.But I like to do housework. I usually sweep the floor,wash the bowls and dishes and water flowers.Would you like me to share a story with you?..
My favorite book 我最爱的书英语作文
There are many kinds of books in the world.The Old Man And Sea is my favorite book. The writer of the book is Ernest Hemingway. He won the Nobel Price for Literature in 1954 because of his book. The book tells us that we shouldnt give up a..
My favourite hobby 写爱好的英语作文
I am a student, and one of my hobbies is looking after animals. Some animals are lovely. Such as dogs, cats, rabbits and pandas. There is a dog and a cat in my home. I like them. I also like listening to music. It is relaxing. One of my hobbies is re..
你知道多少关于爱情的英语句子呢?Does not belong to me, I will let go 。 不属于我的,我会离开。更多关于爱情的英语句子都在腾教育网。..
小学英语作文 My lovely dog(我可爱的小狗)
I have a dog,its lovely, it is called ball. Ball is white. It is a bear. Every time I go home from school, Ball always runs around me. I will give him some meat and he lay on the floor to eat. Mother says I feed him too much. So he is a li..
英语书信 Dear Ben(亲爱的本)
《爱心树》读后感 三年级读后感作文200字
可爱的小蜜蜂 三年级小蜜蜂作文400字
家乡的春天 我爱你春天100字
祖国,您是我的骄傲 六年级爱国作文600字
不久前,我读了《社会主义核心价值观》一书, 一种炽热的爱国激情和崇高的民族气节荡漾着我的心胸,让我浮想联翩: 中华民族,一..
母爱无价 八年级母爱作文400字
我与小动物 我爱小动物作文800字
家乡四季 我爱家乡的四季作文900字
又是寒雪飘落时 姥姥的爱作文800字
为了爱 高二作文700字
一种爱是什么力量 高二作文600字
母爱 高中生母爱作文1300字

