国庆 三年级国庆节作文100字
观看大阅兵 二年级国庆节日记100字
今天是国庆六十周年,我在电视上看了阅兵式,当各个方队的官兵从天安门前走过时,他们的步伐非常整齐,我以后要像他们那样严格要求自己。当各式各样的战车在天安门前隆隆驶过时,我感到我们的祖国非常强大,我为我们的祖国感到自豪! 我以后要好好学习为祖国..
国庆节的计划 我的放假计划作文100字
国庆节快到了,我打算给自己放一天假。 我一直想去旅游和买一件我喜欢的羽绒袄,当然我不能光想着玩,也得把作业写完,我要把所有的作业补完,然后在和妈妈一起去逛商场,但我一逛商场就好买东西,妈妈可能不答应,但我真的想在这方面做回主,您总是不让,我..
祝老师同学们国庆节快乐! 庆祝国庆节作文100字
国庆随笔 小学生国庆节随笔日记100字
今天,祖国迎来了60岁生日。我在电视上,收看了这激动人心的时刻。 这是我第一次看阅兵仪式。经过这次阅兵,我感觉中国的军事力量非常强大,我们祖国从100年前落后的国家发展到一个文化大国、商业大国、军事大国,经过这次阅兵,我知道只有好好学习,才能将..
November 20 2008 小学生英语日记100字
November 20 2008 Today is Friday 。I am very happy 。Because I spent the happiness in the school a day 。I jump the big rope with classmates 。Do you know there is affair at the back ?Let me tell you 。I room of Islam 。This is that I am..
英语考试成绩发布了 叙事日记100字
今天是我英语考试发表成绩的日子,我好紧张 V沼谔到老师念到:许子幼 100分。啊,我好高兴啊,我的努力没有白费,我的到了满分,我差点就要跳起来了,这时,我听到妈妈对我说:“孩子,学习不能三分钟热血,贵在坚持哦。”妈妈,你的意思我懂,我会持之以恒的学习的..
Last term 小学生英语作文100字
Last term,my friends and I went to Qianwei.How we got there?By bus. It is very hot in summer and it is very cold in winter. There are lots of old buildings and churches to visit.We ate many things there and they were very delicious. People was friend..
小学生英语作文100字 我的父母很严格
My parents are very strict to me. When I was very small, they have realized that they couldnt spoil me, so when I ask them to buy me all kinds of toys, they first tell me that I have similar one. If I cry, then they will let me calm down a..
小学国庆节作文1100字 国庆长假
光阴似箭日月如梭,转眼间就到了国庆节,我们国庆旅程是去妈妈的老家广西。广西是一个美丽的地方,我们在老家在位于老家连绵不绝的山里,那是一栋很大的房子,有花有草有鸡有狗,还有小溪和稻田,国庆旅游就此拉开了序幕。 第一天,我们出发去广西,在路上塞..
描写上课的作文100字 我们的外教英语课
欢乐的国庆节作文100字 欢乐的国庆节
10月1日国庆节,爸爸妈妈带我去外婆桥饭店吃饭,饭店里人山人海真热闹。 爸爸开始点菜,爸爸点了黄金美味螃蟹、香辣豆腐、牛肉炒饭、沙拉牛肉、香美炒粉丝、爸爸还帮我买西瓜汁、玉米汁、葡萄汁、可乐鸡翅、可乐和雪碧、橙子汁,真好喝。 后来,我以茶代酒对..
英语作文100字 The Beautiful Morning(美好的早晨)
Today is Sunday. Early in the morning, I get up and then go out of the house with my grandma. She walks to the square and then dances with her partner. I just watch them and then learn to dance. I feel so happy to do some exercises in the..
小学生英语作文100字 The Prize I Get(我得到的奖励)
I am a lazy girl. In order to let me learn more things, my mother will give me some prizes when I finish the task. Sometimes when I wash the dishes or clean the floor, she will give me a little money, then I can buy some snacks, or sometim..
英语作文100字 I Must Finish My Homework (我一定要完成作业)
Every time when the holiday comes, I will be very excited and forget about all the things. I always finish my homework in the last minute, which annoys my parents. So I decide to change this bad habit and finish my homework first. Then I c..
关于英语的作文100字 A Strong Girl(一个坚强的女孩)
Last week, when I went to the market with my mother, I found a girl was helping her mother to sell fruit. After a while, she took out her books and then sat down to read. It touched my heart, because she loved study so much, while most stu..
小学三年级英语作文100字 A Good Book(一本好书)
I have read many books. Good books can give me good advice and make me learn a lot. Once a book shows me how to be a good child and learn to grow up. After I finish reading, I accept my shortcomings and who I am. I need to face my problem...
小学生英语作文100字 My New Dress(我的新衣服)
My mother will buy me new clothes in the New Year, which means the new beginning of the year. I am so excited about this present and my parents have rules for me. If I act politely all the year round, they will award me with more expensive..
小学四年级英语作文100字 The Tough Choice(艰难的选择)
As the winter vacation comes, my school has activities for students, and we can choose to go to other cities to learn the historical knowledge. I want to join, but I also want to spend some time with my grandparents. At last, I make the to..


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