写一篇英语作文我的周末 my weekend(我的周末)
My weekend is interesting. On Saturday, I go to an English club. This English club name is EF. I like go to EF, because EF s classes is fun. I can play some games. The games are always funny, and I very like them. On Sunday, I am at home...
小学生英语作文 My last weekend(我的周末)
My weekend plan 我的周末计划英语作文
Tomorrow is Saturday,we are so busy.We will get up..
My last weekend 我的周末英语作文300字
That was a busy last weekend!On Saturday morning,I went to my grandma’s home with my sister and my mom.We helped my grandma clean the house and ate lunch together.Then I went home and did my homework and read books in the afternoon.In the..
My Weekend 我的周末英语作文
It wasverywarmlastweekend. LastSaturdaymorning, my mother and I went to Haining Leather City. We got there by train. At 10:30 we got there, than we went to eat lunch. At 12:00, we went to Leather City, I bought a bag, my mother bought a ba..
My last weekend 我的周末英语日记200字
It was very warm last weekend. On Saturdany morning,I played computer games,it was very funny.On Saturday afternoon,I had a drawing class.On Sunday ,I went to a park with my parents.We played there.I was very happy.On Sunday afternoon,I ha..
My weekend 我的周末英语作文
I had a very busy weekend. On Saturday, I went toWestLakewith my mom and dad. We flew kites and took some pictures there, we were very happy. And I went to science on Saturday afternoon. In the evening, we went to restaurant. We ate some t..
My weekend 我的周末英语日记
I was busy weekend.I went to school Saturday morning.In the afternoon,I went to a bookstore and read books there,they were very funny.I was happy.In the evening,I watched TV.Sunday afternoon,I climbed the mountain with my parents,I was ver..
My weekend 关于我的周末的英语作文
Last Saturday was warm,and it was very busy.In the morning,I did my homework and had my training class.In the afternoon,I saw a film and read books.In the evening,we went shopping...
my weekend 我的周末英语作文
my weekend It was evry warmlast weekend.My mothandI visitedmy grandparents. I played computergrams and watch TV in the evening.Iread Englishon Sundaymorning. I ate the fish、egg、and beef for lunch.Iwent home in the evening...
My last weekend 我的周末英语作文
I was very busy last weekend. The weather was very fine. OnSaturday morning, My parents and I wenttotheWestlake, andtookmanyphotos.Then,wewentKFCforlunch. The food was very delicious. But it was not healthy. I had a hamburger,aglass of col..
My weekend 我的周末英语作文300字
Last weekend, I was very busy. Saturday morning. I got up early, and I did my homework. At 13:00, I cleaned my bedroom, and my study room, then, I played sports with father and mother. In the afternoon,we went home and watched TV. On Sunda..
My weekend 我的周末英语作文
Last weekend,I was very busy.On Saturday morning,I stayed at home,I did my homework and had my Chinese class and Math class.In the evening I visit Mygrandparents.On Sunday morning,I had my English class.In the afternoon,I played basketball..
我是最漂亮的 高一作文300字
作为高中生,我们爱追求美的事物,热爱完美的人,但生活中并不存在,于是便学会了评论。评论可以让一个人变的很“红”,比如许多明星就是这样“炒红”的。这就是舆论的作用。 对于我们高中生而言,我们爱听一些动听的话,即使知道那是假的,因为它动听,所以..
冬日果子甜又甜 四年级愉快的周末作文400字
又忆童年伙伴 我的小学好朋友作文500字
六年小学生活,让我学会更多,明白更多的,不只是老师,也有我的伙伴。从三年级开始,我不愿意交朋友,伙伴们主动和我聊天,玩游戏。互相熟悉了,我们一起哭,一起笑,一起玩耍,一起闹。但和我最好的伙伴只有一个。 他跑步速度是我们班里数一数二的。比如,..
我的妈妈 漂亮的妈妈作文200字
又忆童年伙伴 我的童年好友作文1100字
无聊的我望着窗外雪花乱舞,不由得使我想起小学时的几个伙伴来。 小矬子 裴文翰,圆圆的脸,脸上长着几片雀斑,眼睛比嘴大,笑起来眯成一条缝。他跑得快,体育比赛没少为班级争光。一米一的个头,全班最矮,故称“小矬子”。别看他个子小,但人长得很精灵,..
忙碌的周末 我的周末作文900字
从英语班到大河坝 我的成长经历作文1300字
小时候我英语学的不好,忧心的父母把我送到就近的英语培训班学习。 从此,我的童年课外学习生活从这里开始了。刚开始还好,老师每天用极其温和的口气提问问题;下课了,几个同学肆无忌惮地在走廊里跑跳、打闹,还可以下楼去买自己喜欢吃的东西。感觉过得很是..


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