惬意的双休日 四年级我的周末作文500字
结束了繁忙的五天学习日,双休日又悄然而至。虽说也为时间的飞逝感叹,但却又迫不及待地期盼着惬意的双休日。因为这两天,纯纯地属于我自己,我随心所欲,悠闲自在。不用反复看着床头上的小闹钟担心上课迟到,一切都很随意。 我就可以推开书店的大门,抱一本..
写一篇英语作文我的周末 my weekend(我的周末)
My weekend is interesting. On Saturday, I go to an English club. This English club name is EF. I like go to EF, because EF s classes is fun. I can play some games. The games are always funny, and I very like them. On Sunday, I am at home...
小学生英语作文 My last weekend(我的周末)
四年级英语作文 My happy summer camp(我的快乐夏令营)
My weekend plan 我的周末计划英语作文
Tomorrow is Saturday,we are so busy.We will get up..
My last weekend 我的周末英语作文300字
That was a busy last weekend!On Saturday morning,I went to my grandma’s home with my sister and my mom.We helped my grandma clean the house and ate lunch together.Then I went home and did my homework and read books in the afternoon.In the..
My Weekend 我的周末英语作文
It wasverywarmlastweekend. LastSaturdaymorning, my mother and I went to Haining Leather City. We got there by train. At 10:30 we got there, than we went to eat lunch. At 12:00, we went to Leather City, I bought a bag, my mother bought a ba..
My last weekend 我的周末英语日记200字
It was very warm last weekend. On Saturdany morning,I played computer games,it was very funny.On Saturday afternoon,I had a drawing class.On Sunday ,I went to a park with my parents.We played there.I was very happy.On Sunday afternoon,I ha..
My weekend 我的周末英语作文
I had a very busy weekend. On Saturday, I went toWestLakewith my mom and dad. We flew kites and took some pictures there, we were very happy. And I went to science on Saturday afternoon. In the evening, we went to restaurant. We ate some t..
My weekend 我的周末英语日记
I was busy weekend.I went to school Saturday morning.In the afternoon,I went to a bookstore and read books there,they were very funny.I was happy.In the evening,I watched TV.Sunday afternoon,I climbed the mountain with my parents,I was ver..
My weekend 关于我的周末的英语作文
Last Saturday was warm,and it was very busy.In the morning,I did my homework and had my training class.In the afternoon,I saw a film and read books.In the evening,we went shopping...
my weekend 我的周末英语作文
my weekend It was evry warmlast weekend.My mothandI visitedmy grandparents. I played computergrams and watch TV in the evening.Iread Englishon Sundaymorning. I ate the fish、egg、and beef for lunch.Iwent home in the evening...
My last weekend 我的周末英语作文
I was very busy last weekend. The weather was very fine. OnSaturday morning, My parents and I wenttotheWestlake, andtookmanyphotos.Then,wewentKFCforlunch. The food was very delicious. But it was not healthy. I had a hamburger,aglass of col..
My weekend 我的周末英语作文300字
Last weekend, I was very busy. Saturday morning. I got up early, and I did my homework. At 13:00, I cleaned my bedroom, and my study room, then, I played sports with father and mother. In the afternoon,we went home and watched TV. On Sunda..
My weekend 我的周末英语作文
Last weekend,I was very busy.On Saturday morning,I stayed at home,I did my homework and had my Chinese class and Math class.In the evening I visit Mygrandparents.On Sunday morning,I had my English class.In the afternoon,I played basketball..
我眼中的春天 四年级诗歌作文100字
我想当一位医生 四年级我的理想作文300字
我有一个理想,那就是成为一位优秀的医生,让人们健康快乐的生活。 小时候,我生病了,妈妈总是关心着我,照顾着我。可是,我看到妈妈生病了,妈妈只能自己照顾自己,我心里很害怕,妈妈会不会老,会不会死?所以我特别想当一位医生,让妈妈不要老,不要死。..
我的一日之最 四年级国庆节记叙文400字
爸爸、妈妈一直想给我拍一套写真集,今天是国庆长假的第四天,爸爸妈妈选择了一家照相水平很高的影楼。在这里我“打破”了好几项“个人纪录”。我可不是吹牛,不信你就来看看! 纪录一:换装破纪录 我化好了妆就进了摄影棚,造型师姐姐仔细地打量着我,给我..
我最尊敬的人 四年级单元作文400字
说起我最尊敬的人 ,那就是我的外公了。他不仅武艺高强,而且琴棋书画样样都是高手。他最厉害的得算他捏的泥人了。外公家到处都是小泥人,光是柜子就有100个左右。西游记是他的得意之作,唐僧、沙僧、孙悟空和白龙马都做得活灵活现。青山区的工作人员曾来到..
冬日果子甜又甜 四年级愉快的周末作文400字


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