我上小学了 一年级心情作文100字
我上小学的第一周 一年级记叙文100字
9月1日上学的第一天,老师讲了很多规矩。我感觉好麻烦呀!可妈妈说我已经是个小学生了,要求就要比幼儿园的高,当然规矩也会多些,慢慢习惯就好了! 第二天,我在别的班发现了几个幼儿园的朋友,我真高兴!感觉在学校也有意思一些了!昨天我认真完成了老师布..
升小学了! 一年级心情作文100字
小学,你好! 一年级优秀作文200字
当我们在准备幼儿园的毕业表演时,老师就告诉我们:九月份我们将会成为一个小学生了!在暑假里,妈妈在为我准备新书包,我知道小学生活离我越来越近了…… 水果湖一小成为了我未来的母校,我进入了一(六)班这个集体。幼儿园最要好的小朋友没能分到一个班,..
我当小学生了 一年级记叙文200字
给一年级四班全体师生的感谢信 小学生感谢信
。 请允许我先向大家深深的道一声谢谢,这段时间以来老师和同学的关注、支持和鼓励,让我感动不已。在我脚受伤的这段时间是你们没有忘记我,老师给我带来了大家的问候,还有营养品和玩具,我真的好感激!!好想自己的脚丫立刻好起来,可以马上见到我的同学。..
December 2 2008 小学生叙事英语日记
December 2 2008 Today is Tuesday 。Today is English day, too 。In the morning 。I finish the hygiene hurried entered the classroom 。When move about 。We every jumped the big rope 。Then we the collective jumped the big rope again 。We ar..
November 24 2008 小学生英语日记
November 24 2008 Today is Monday 。I not happiness 。Because our class did not win the circulating red flag 。So every body’s moods lose very much 。After entering the classroom。 The schoolmates are silent 。Our class want to win the cir..
November 27 2008 小学生英语日记
November 27 2008 Today is very cold 。Because the snow melted 。As the saying goes “snowfall is not cold well 。Melt the snow is cold。” I like to play the snow 。My favorite season is winter。 But I do not like cold 。Do you like winter..
December 1 2008 小学生英语日记
December 1 2008 Today this is that this week on first day。 Today this is that this month on first day, too。 Today’s mood is very happy。 I get up very early。 It is fine today。 White clouds high hang in the sky 。In the morning。 I fi..
November 29 2008 小学生英语日记
November 29 2008 Today is Saturday 。I went to school today 。Because hygiene will be done today。 Taking my broom, I have left 。I went to school early 。I began to do the hygiene。 I am pushing small push the car。 Garbage is received t..
我上小学了,真高兴! 一年级记叙文100字
快乐的一年级 我上小学了作文100字
November 26 2008 小学生英语日记
November 26 2008 I am very happy today 。Because snowed today 。I like to play the snow 。The snow is white like the powdered sugar, salt and goose feather 。Very interesting 。The snow is very cool 。Their shape every not same 。In the w..
November 28 2008 小学生英语日记
November 28 2008 Today is Friday 。Today is a week’s the last day, too。 I am so happy 。Because our class watch movies in the classroom today 。But our computer isn’t working 。But I be glad 。Because our class will want to do the hygi..
November 20 2008 小学生英语日记100字
November 20 2008 Today is Friday 。I am very happy 。Because I spent the happiness in the school a day 。I jump the big rope with classmates 。Do you know there is affair at the back ?Let me tell you 。I room of Islam 。This is that I am..
小鸡出生了 小学一年级写话100字
下午,我和妈妈去鸡窝前看小鸡出生。咔嚓一声,小鸡出生了!一只小鸡正在"叽叽叽"地叫着,就像在叫:“妈妈!妈妈 比缓螅小鸡和妈妈抱在一起。真幸福,真快乐呀!我和妈妈也开..
一年级小学语文看图写话200字 《过生日》
My English teacher 小学英语作文
Do you know my English teacher?Her name is Li Ping.She is very tall and she is thin, with long brown hair. She likes singing and dancing. Her voice sounds sweet. What is she like?She is kind and friendly. She often tells interesting jokes for us. She..
Last term 小学生英语作文100字
Last term,my friends and I went to Qianwei.How we got there?By bus. It is very hot in summer and it is very cold in winter. There are lots of old buildings and churches to visit.We ate many things there and they were very delicious. People was friend..


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