Introduce Myself 小学生自我介绍英语作文
My name is Cailuyang.I`m nine .I come from CHINA.I`m in class four,grade four.I`m thin.I have two big eyes,a small nose and a small mouth.I like eatting apples and playing computer games. I have a beautiful family. There are four people in..
自我介绍 小学生自我介绍英语作文
Hello,do you know me?My name is Wang Yuzhi,l am twelve years old,alought l am fat,l am very activite.l am a fast learner.My favorite subjecy is you love this subject?..
Talking about Myself 小学生英语自我介绍
My name is Da Ming,an elementary school pupil.I am 11 years old.I come from a teachers family.I work hard at all my lessons.Among all subjects,I like English best.My dream is to be an English teacher in the future.I am very fond of singing..
我 小学生自我介绍作文100字
我 小学生自我介绍作文200字
我是一个七岁的小男孩,个子高高的,长得不胖也不瘦。我的眼睛虽然不大,但是却炯炯有神,大家都说看我的眼睛,就知道我很机灵。我长着一对大大的耳朵,大家都叫我“大耳朵图图”。 我的爱好是画画,最喜欢画的是汽车。长大以后,我还要设计出更多更好的汽车..
我是可爱的小豆子! 一年级自我介绍作文200字
我的自我介绍 小学生自我介绍作文300字
我叫郑天成,今年六岁了,我在文峰小学-(11)班上学。终于上一年级了,我可高兴了,因为我想学习更多的知识呀! 我喜欢画画,没事在家时,我画上半天也不觉得累,妈妈说明年让我到少年宫学画画,我很愿意。其实我现在就想去学。 在家我也很懂事,有好吃的我..
动物自我介绍 一只小鸡作文200字
自我介绍 小学生自我介绍作文100字
我叫刘海博。妈妈给我取的名字。爸爸和妈妈都喜欢大海,希望我的心胸像大海一样宽广;学的知识比大海深厚。 我出生于2004年4月15日。 在学校碰到了我的小伙伴张亦陈还有幼儿园的好朋友陈政,我很开心。..
自我介绍 小学生自我介绍作文600字
说说我自己 三年级小学生英文自我介绍
Hello,Im Chen Hongshuo,Im six years old.Im a bay.I like blue. I like dog, There are five people in my family,grandfather,grandmother,daddy,mummy and I. I love my family.Im fond of study...
December 2 2008 小学生叙事英语日记
December 2 2008 Today is Tuesday 。Today is English day, too 。In the morning 。I finish the hygiene hurried entered the classroom 。When move about 。We every jumped the big rope 。Then we the collective jumped the big rope again 。We ar..
November 24 2008 小学生英语日记
November 24 2008 Today is Monday 。I not happiness 。Because our class did not win the circulating red flag 。So every body’s moods lose very much 。After entering the classroom。 The schoolmates are silent 。Our class want to win the cir..
November 27 2008 小学生英语日记
November 27 2008 Today is very cold 。Because the snow melted 。As the saying goes “snowfall is not cold well 。Melt the snow is cold。” I like to play the snow 。My favorite season is winter。 But I do not like cold 。Do you like winter..
December 1 2008 小学生英语日记
December 1 2008 Today this is that this week on first day。 Today this is that this month on first day, too。 Today’s mood is very happy。 I get up very early。 It is fine today。 White clouds high hang in the sky 。In the morning。 I fi..
November 29 2008 小学生英语日记
November 29 2008 Today is Saturday 。I went to school today 。Because hygiene will be done today。 Taking my broom, I have left 。I went to school early 。I began to do the hygiene。 I am pushing small push the car。 Garbage is received t..
说说我自己 小学生自我介绍作文500字
大家好!我是彭奕诚,老师给我取的英文名字叫奇卡夫,就是长颈鹿的意思,因为嘛都说我的脖子比较长,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… 我性格外向,话特别多,如果你们在接小朋友的路上看到一个老是缠着妈妈不停的说不停的问的小帅哥,呵呵,说不定就是我哦!我嘛,还算讲..
我 小学生自我介绍300字作文
我 我叫吴佳欣,今年9岁,我是一个爱笑的女孩,只要一听到可笑的事,就会笑个不停,甚至会笑到肚子疼为止.我还有一张可爱的脸,一对水灵灵的不眼睛,加上一头乌黑亮丽的黑发. 我最喜欢看书,每次静不来的时候,我都会翻开书,一页一页,一本一本地看,我还喜欢游泳,画画,..
November 26 2008 小学生英语日记
November 26 2008 I am very happy today 。Because snowed today 。I like to play the snow 。The snow is white like the powdered sugar, salt and goose feather 。Very interesting 。The snow is very cool 。Their shape every not same 。In the w..
November 28 2008 小学生英语日记
November 28 2008 Today is Friday 。Today is a week’s the last day, too。 I am so happy 。Because our class watch movies in the classroom today 。But our computer isn’t working 。But I be glad 。Because our class will want to do the hygi..

