Doing Housework 写做家务的英语作文
Doing Housework It is our duty to help parents do housework ,and it is also a duty as a member of the family. For me, I always wash dishes after dinner. Sometimes I sweep the floor on weekends, but my mother does that more of the time. At..
How to feed Holand pig 写荷兰猪的英语作文
Holand pig is a small and cute animal. Pigs are big and strong, but this pig is smaller size. Its head looks like rat, so is called ‘dolphin rat’. Holand pig normally is colorful, it is black, white, black and white, yellow black and whi..
古诗里的小故事 扩写九月九日忆山东兄弟作文400字
今天是九月九日重阳节,身在异地的王维非常思念家人,他多么想回到家乡,与家人团聚,看到别人家热热闹闹的过节,只有我家冷冷清清,另他回想起以前在家乡过节的情形。 每逢过节的时候全家人聚在一起欢歌笑语,多么开心啊!而今只有一个人静静的望着月亮,想..
My favourite hobby 写爱好的英语作文
I am a student, and one of my hobbies is looking after animals. Some animals are lovely. Such as dogs, cats, rabbits and pandas. There is a dog and a cat in my home. I like them. I also like listening to music. It is relaxing. One of my hobbies is re..
My Cat 描写小猫的英语作文
I have a beautiful cat. Its name is Kitty,it have two eyes,a samll long beard.It likes to play flowers and leaves. Look,Kitty climbing up a big apple tree,it want to c- Atch a piece of leaf,bat it breaks its legs and stay indoo- rs. I like..
写老师的作文300字 我的英语老师
我热爱学习,我喜欢蕴涵知识的语文课,也喜欢绚丽多彩的美术课,我喜欢古灵精怪的数学课。然而,我还喜欢辞职了的英语老师。 英语课的老师离去了,白墙仍然原来的那堵白墙,但是却白得那样凄凉,洁净而孤独。黑板依旧是曾经的黑板,可因为MISS周离去了,没人..
关于写老师的作文300字 我的英语老师
我热爱学习,我喜欢蕴涵知识的语文课,也喜欢绚丽多彩的美术课,我喜欢古灵精怪的数学课。然而,我还喜欢辞职了的英语老师。 英语课的老师离去了,白墙仍然原来的那堵白墙,但是却白得那样凄凉,洁净而孤独。黑板依旧是曾经的黑板,可因为MISS周离去了,没人..
小学生写人作文200字 我的英语老师
我的英语老师叫丁老师,她又亲切又严厉。她有一头乌黑发亮的秀发,一双炯炯有神的眼睛,中等身材,非常漂亮! 丁老师很亲切,每次上课都笑眯眯地走进教室。上课了,丁老师总是面带微笑地给我们讲课,有时还会组织我们玩一些小游戏,同学们都乐在其中。有一次..
初中写人作文2000字 我的英语老师
描写考试的作文200字 突如其来的英语考试
今天上完国健环后,我们准备排队去上微机课,却意外地被赵老师赶回了班级。我脑海中立马闪现了一个画面要英语考试了。 果然不出我所料,现在开始考试,先做笔试,等过一会,我报听力。赵老师说到。 教室里弥漫着突如其来的紧张,沙,沙,沙同学们写字的速度..
描写上课的作文100字 我们的外教英语课
写英语课的作文200字 “美味的”英语课
大家肯定吃过很多美味的食物,但你们吃过美味的英语课吗?你们知道为什么英语课是美味的吗?因为我们的英语老师王老师给大家带来了美味的奶昔。 上课了,王老师带来了一大堆东西,有果汁机、苹果、香蕉,还有牛奶。同学们看见之后很兴奋,王老师说这节课我们要..
写考试的作文600字 英语考试
今天,可是一个大日子,英语期中考!我最害怕的就是英语这科了,成绩总是上不去,从四年级开始,我的英语成绩都是八十几分,我一看见八这个字就觉得很反感,就很不开心,总是看起来不顺眼,今天,真是人生的坎坷啊!我会不会掉陷阱呐? 我很早就来到学校,拿出..
写一篇英语作文我的周末 my weekend(我的周末)
My weekend is interesting. On Saturday, I go to an English club. This English club name is EF. I like go to EF, because EF s classes is fun. I can play some games. The games are always funny, and I very like them. On Sunday, I am at home...
关于写老师的作文400字 我们的英语老师
你知道关于写老师的作文怎么写吗?随着上课的音乐声响起,我们的英语老师Miss Zhuang迈着轻快的步伐,走进了我们的教室。更多关于写老师的作文都在腾教育网。..
Time 描写时间的英语作文
When the willows are dead, there will always be a time of regreening; when the flowers are gone, there will always be a time of re-opening; when the swallow is gone, there will always be a time of return, but one thing will never come again, that is,..
Season 描写四季的英语作文
In summer.It’s always sunny and hot.People can swim in the lake or river.We can eat ice-cream.The flowers are colourful.The sun is big. I like summer. In autunn, it’s windy and cool. Halloween and Thanksgiving are in autunm. We are very..
Four seasons 描写四季的英语作文
It’sacolourfulseason.It’salwayswarmandwindy.Theskyisblue.Thegreen.Birdssingsongssowecanlisten.Howfunny!Theflowersbegintocomeout.What’sthisseason?Oh!It’sspring. What’stheweatherlikeinsummer?It’sunnyandhot.Theleavesaregreen.Wecanswimin..


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