Stephen Hawking 介绍史蒂芬霍金的英语作文
Ladies and gentlemen, its my great honor to make a speech here. I am member of Shenzhen Science Club.I am terribly sorry to hear that Stephen Hawking passed away on March 14th, 2018.So id like to introduce this brilliant scientist to all o..
清明节 介绍清明节的小学作文200字
中国有许多传统节日,比如:春节、元宵节、重阳节等节日,其中我最喜欢清明节,因为它的来历很耐人寻味。 有首诗叫《清明》,内容是:清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。 这首诗我也很喜欢,因为它充分地体现了诗人对故去的..
小学英语作文 Qingming Festival(清明节)
Qingming Festival is one of the most traditional festivals in China. Its usually on the fifth of Apring. During Qingming Festival people usually go back home to sweep the tombs of their dead relatives and burn paper money. They also bring..
My family 介绍我的家人英语作文
There are three people in my familyThey are my mother my father and IMy mother is beautifulShe is white-collar workerShe likes singingShe likes shoppingShe likes cookingShe helps my lessons everydayMy father is coolHe is a managerHe likes..
This is me a lovely girl! 女孩子自我介绍的英语作文
Hello! My name is Mary. I’m nine, years old. I’m in grade three. I am a very talented girl. I have beautiful eyes, small mouth and black hair. I like music, drawing, reading, sports, and English better. I like eating ice cream, cake, app..
This is me 三年级自我介绍英语作文
Hello , my nameis Tracy. Im in class one grade five. Im a girl of eight years old. Im thin and tall. I‘ma teachersaide , the students partner. I like hamburger but I dont like appie-pie. I like sing but I dont like jump. Im a clever girl...
Introduce Myself 小学生自我介绍英语作文
My name is Cailuyang.I`m nine .I come from CHINA.I`m in class four,grade four.I`m thin.I have two big eyes,a small nose and a small mouth.I like eatting apples and playing computer games. I have a beautiful family. There are four people in..
自我介绍 小学生自我介绍英语作文
Hello,do you know me?My name is Wang Yuzhi,l am twelve years old,alought l am fat,l am very activite.l am a fast learner.My favorite subjecy is you love this subject?..
My Picture 介绍我的照片的英语作文
一 His is me! This is my good friend ,she is yan xin, she is eighe.she like wearing a red dress and shoes . she is my aunt`s daughter ,she and , I are classniates . we often play together . 二 This is my bithday cake. He is my grandfaher, h..
英语自我介绍作文 Self Introduce(自我介绍)
Hello, everyone! My name is Jed, Im 9 years old Im from Zhongxin ShiYanXiao. Im in Grade 3. Im a kind-hearted, honest and brave sunshine boy. I love painting. I am the head of the art community of Grade 3. One of my paintings has become th..
介绍春节的英语作文 Spring Festival(春节)
Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. Before the Spring Festival People clean their houses,put red couplets on their gates,and set off firecrackers to drive away the legendary monster Nian. On the eve of the Spring Fest..
英语人物介绍 Steve Jobs(史蒂芬·乔布斯)
英语作文 To Introduce Myself(自我介绍)
Talking about Myself 小学生英语自我介绍
My name is Da Ming,an elementary school pupil.I am 11 years old.I come from a teachers family.I work hard at all my lessons.Among all subjects,I like English best.My dream is to be an English teacher in the future.I am very fond of singing..
介绍 小学生英语作文
Hell0: My name is pat.I am ten years old. i am inhangzhou, it is beautiful. I like reading books and swimming.there are five people in my family :mum, dad, grandma and grandpa. Ilive my family...
清明时节踏歌行 清明节踏青作文800字
又是清明,烟雨桃花,自是美靥,不免想起前人,离去的茫然,再唱不起一句阳关,日久倒也看穿,与其哀概,不如缅怀,趁清明,迎暖阳,踏歌行。 行,在路上。 甩下一身的繁重,弃开琐屑的羁绊,带自由上路,高歌嘹亮天空的爽朗,随那灼灼日光,依依杨柳跃动春..
《三国演义》交流会 介绍三国演义的作文200字
通过今天的《三国演义》交流会和同学们的介绍,让我又重新认识了三国。 三国有蜀国、吴国、魏国。刘备仁爱,关羽忠义,诸葛亮聪明,曹操奸雄,张飞勇猛。正是因为有了这三国,战争才不断。三国里的人物都有着自己的故事,如:关羽过五关斩六将,诸葛亮草船借..
乖巧的小狗 介绍狗狗的说明文300字
哈士奇有类似狼的外表,有时候还会发出狼的叫声。但是他们的眼神却没有狼的犀利,凶狠,而是露出一种温和,呆傻的眼神看着你。 大家听到哈士奇大家并不陌生,哈士奇的眼睛是蓝色的。它的毛为双层毛你的手指插进它深深的毛发里,暖和极了!它的尾巴像狐狸尾巴..
一个星球的自述 地球的自我介绍作文400字

