写一篇英语作文我的周末 my weekend(我的周末)
My weekend is interesting. On Saturday, I go to an English club. This English club name is EF. I like go to EF, because EF s classes is fun. I can play some games. The games are always funny, and I very like them. On Sunday, I am at home...
小学生英语作文 My last weekend(我的周末)
五年级英语作文 My present(我的礼物)
My weekend plan 我的周末计划英语作文
Tomorrow is Saturday,we are so busy.We will get up..
My last weekend 我的周末英语作文300字
That was a busy last weekend!On Saturday morning,I went to my grandma’s home with my sister and my mom.We helped my grandma clean the house and ate lunch together.Then I went home and did my homework and read books in the afternoon.In the..
My Weekend 我的周末英语作文
It wasverywarmlastweekend. LastSaturdaymorning, my mother and I went to Haining Leather City. We got there by train. At 10:30 we got there, than we went to eat lunch. At 12:00, we went to Leather City, I bought a bag, my mother bought a ba..
My last weekend 我的周末英语日记200字
It was very warm last weekend. On Saturdany morning,I played computer games,it was very funny.On Saturday afternoon,I had a drawing class.On Sunday ,I went to a park with my parents.We played there.I was very happy.On Sunday afternoon,I ha..
My weekend 我的周末英语作文
I had a very busy weekend. On Saturday, I went toWestLakewith my mom and dad. We flew kites and took some pictures there, we were very happy. And I went to science on Saturday afternoon. In the evening, we went to restaurant. We ate some t..
My weekend 我的周末英语日记
I was busy weekend.I went to school Saturday morning.In the afternoon,I went to a bookstore and read books there,they were very funny.I was happy.In the evening,I watched TV.Sunday afternoon,I climbed the mountain with my parents,I was ver..
My weekend 关于我的周末的英语作文
Last Saturday was warm,and it was very busy.In the morning,I did my homework and had my training class.In the afternoon,I saw a film and read books.In the evening,we went shopping...
my weekend 我的周末英语作文
my weekend It was evry warmlast weekend.My mothandI visitedmy grandparents. I played computergrams and watch TV in the evening.Iread Englishon Sundaymorning. I ate the fish、egg、and beef for lunch.Iwent home in the evening...
My last weekend 我的周末英语作文
I was very busy last weekend. The weather was very fine. OnSaturday morning, My parents and I wenttotheWestlake, andtookmanyphotos.Then,wewentKFCforlunch. The food was very delicious. But it was not healthy. I had a hamburger,aglass of col..
My weekend 我的周末英语作文300字
Last weekend, I was very busy. Saturday morning. I got up early, and I did my homework. At 13:00, I cleaned my bedroom, and my study room, then, I played sports with father and mother. In the afternoon,we went home and watched TV. On Sunda..
My weekend 我的周末英语作文
Last weekend,I was very busy.On Saturday morning,I stayed at home,I did my homework and had my Chinese class and Math class.In the evening I visit Mygrandparents.On Sunday morning,I had my English class.In the afternoon,I played basketball..
假如我有一只尼尔斯的鹅 五年级想象作文400字
一个晚上,满天星斗不停地向我眨眼睛。突然,一颗流星破过长空。听爸爸说,看到流星许个愿,愿望就能实现。看到流星即将消失,我脱口而出:“我要一只尼尔斯的鹅。”话音刚落 流星改变轨迹,迅速地朝我飞来,我拔腿就跑,可我觉得身后传来“嘎嘎”的声音,原..
我身边的变化 五年级记叙文300字
通过学习《小蓝裙的故事》这篇课文我知道了身边有很多不协调的事情,但它们都向好的方向发展,不信你们看! 比如:班级里有一个人身边垃圾很多,别人的地方都很干净,这就很不协调。这名同学发现后主动把自己的垃圾收拾干净了,全班都以她为榜样。 比如:两..
我推荐的一本书 五年级推荐一本书作文500字
你能独自一个人去航海吗?你能独自一人在荒岛上生活几十年吗?你能在物质贫乏的情况下,用自己的智慧和顽强的毅力创造美好的生活吗? 相信大多数人都觉得困难,但是有一个人做到了——他就是笛福笔下的鲁滨逊。今天我要给大家推荐一本书《鲁滨逊漂流记》。..
《巴黎圣母院》推荐 五年级我推荐的书作文2400字
最近看了不少书,而令我最为喜爱的莫过于雨果写的《巴黎圣母院》和小仲马写的《茶花女》。这两本书中的女主角都是拥有绝世美貌和善良心灵,但身世凄惨结局悲哀的尤物。这次推荐中我就主要向大家介绍《巴黎圣母院》吧。 众所周知,《巴黎圣母院》是法国著名作..
我和书的故事 五年级我和书的故事作文600字
“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。”对呀,书就像饥荒里的一块面包,书就像沙漠里的一池水,书就像冬天里的一缕阳光!我的柜子里装满了我的宝藏——书,因为书是为我打开知识的大门。 我非常非常喜欢看书,我只要一沾书,就会到走火入魔的地步,就像铁屑吸..


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