英语令我的烦恼 成长的小烦恼作文400字
在三年级正式学英语之前,我的学习生涯一直无忧无虑,因为语文、数学都是我的强项,每次考试我都是班里的前十名。可自从学了英语,我的人生从此没有了光彩。 每次上英语课,我并没有心不在焉,可老师讲的内容我却总是左耳朵进,右耳朵出。老师读的单词让我感..
My Cat 描写小猫的英语作文
I have a beautiful cat. Its name is Kitty,it have two eyes,a samll long beard.It likes to play flowers and leaves. Look,Kitty climbing up a big apple tree,it want to c- Atch a piece of leaf,bat it breaks its legs and stay indoo- rs. I like..
小学生写人作文200字 我的英语老师
我的英语老师叫丁老师,她又亲切又严厉。她有一头乌黑发亮的秀发,一双炯炯有神的眼睛,中等身材,非常漂亮! 丁老师很亲切,每次上课都笑眯眯地走进教室。上课了,丁老师总是面带微笑地给我们讲课,有时还会组织我们玩一些小游戏,同学们都乐在其中。有一次..
小学英语作文 My favourite festival(我最喜欢的节日)
小学英语作文 Our School(我们的学校)
小学英语作文 My Dog(我的小狗)
小学英语作文 A happy day(开心的一天)
小学英语演讲稿 Differences between east and west(东西方的不同)
小学英语作文 My hamster(我的仓鼠)
小学英语作文 My Summer Story(我的夏日生活)
小学英语作文 My Dog(我的小狗)
小学英语作文 My small hamster(我的小仓鼠)
小学英语作文 My Unforgettable Experiences(难忘的经历)
小学英语作文 Having fun in the Water Park(开心的水上乐园)
小学英语作文 My lovely dog(我可爱的小狗)
I have a dog,its lovely, it is called ball. Ball is white. It is a bear. Every time I go home from school, Ball always runs around me. I will give him some meat and he lay on the floor to eat. Mother says I feed him too much. So he is a li..
小学英语作文 Jack’s Schoolbag(杰克的书包)
Im a schoolbag, a blue schoolbag. My master is Jack. He is a pupil in Jinshan Primary School. Everyday Jack holds a lot of things in my belly .They are books、pencils、eraser and ruler. Why he puts all the things in my belly, I think Jack..
小学生英语作文100字 我的父母很严格
My parents are very strict to me. When I was very small, they have realized that they couldnt spoil me, so when I ask them to buy me all kinds of toys, they first tell me that I have similar one. If I cry, then they will let me calm down a..
The Cat 我的小猫英语作文
牋牋 Would you like cats ? I have a cat , One years ago , my mather boagh it for me . Its name is ding dang .the cat is white and yellow. Its a lovely cat. It has bright eyes. The cat and .I often play ball in the youd ,it is catching mice..
我的日记 小学生英语日记
December72008 Today is Sunday .Today is this month on seventh day, too. Today is too boring .In the morning .I ate the some two eggs and some milk for breakfast .Then I was in the review .I ate the beef noodles for lunch .It’s very tasty..
小学生活动作文600字 难忘的“英语DIY蛋糕”活动
星期天下午,我很高兴能参加归蜜DIY蛋糕,这个活动不仅有学如何做蛋糕,还有外教教我们学英语。 我怀着激动的心情来到华永天地二楼归蜜蛋糕店,在店门口,看见两位漂亮的老外,心想:她们应该是来教我们英语的吧。果真如此,人员到齐了,我们就开始活动了。..


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