我的一日之最 四年级国庆节记叙文400字
爸爸、妈妈一直想给我拍一套写真集,今天是国庆长假的第四天,爸爸妈妈选择了一家照相水平很高的影楼。在这里我“打破”了好几项“个人纪录”。我可不是吹牛,不信你就来看看! 纪录一:换装破纪录 我化好了妆就进了摄影棚,造型师姐姐仔细地打量着我,给我..
从英语班到大河坝 我的成长经历作文1300字
小时候我英语学的不好,忧心的父母把我送到就近的英语培训班学习。 从此,我的童年课外学习生活从这里开始了。刚开始还好,老师每天用极其温和的口气提问问题;下课了,几个同学肆无忌惮地在走廊里跑跳、打闹,还可以下楼去买自己喜欢吃的东西。感觉过得很是..
令我难忘的节日 庆祝国庆节作文600字
949年10月1日,天安门广 T谌世界人民的瞩目下,鲜艳的五星红旗冉冉升上天空。从此标志着中华人民共和国正式成立。2017年10月1日,家中,电视实时转播。“起来,不愿做奴隶的人们……..
国庆节的计划 我的放假计划作文100字
国庆节快到了,我打算给自己放一天假。 我一直想去旅游和买一件我喜欢的羽绒袄,当然我不能光想着玩,也得把作业写完,我要把所有的作业补完,然后在和妈妈一起去逛商场,但我一逛商场就好买东西,妈妈可能不答应,但我真的想在这方面做回主,您总是不让,我..
一次难忘的英语活动 让我难忘的英语活动300字作文
今天,我们班举行了一场别开生面的攀登英语中期展示活动。我和连璐是小主持人。爸爸知道了,一大早坐火车从亳州赶回来,为我加油助威。我又紧张又激动。许多家长也陆续来到了我们班,我们班可真热闹呀! 表演开始了,大家都献出了自己最拿手的英语节目。家长..
My Dad 我的父亲英语作文
Unlike most people, I dont have a sweet home, since I have to say my father is not very good. Half the time he was gone. The other half he would drink all night and tell me I am worthless, that I would never amount to anything. I think he..
My English teacher 我的英语老师英语作文
My English teacher and all English teacher have on..
My Friend 我的朋友英语作文
Hi!My name is Nancy White.Im a middle school student. I have a good friend.Her nanme is Zhong Zicheng.Her telephone number is 139-56702398 She likes purple and red.She is friendly...
My good friend 我最好的朋友英语作文
I have a good friend.He is a boy.His name is LiMing.He comes from Beijing but now lives in Nanjing with his parents.He has short hair. He is very tall. He studies at SunShine Middle School. He likes all the lessons at his new school.And he is goo..
My favorite book 我最爱的书英语作文
There are many kinds of books in the world.The Old Man And Sea is my favorite book. The writer of the book is Ernest Hemingway. He won the Nobel Price for Literature in 1954 because of his book. The book tells us that we shouldnt give up a..
英语作文 我的假期
This holiday, I went on a trip with my best friend.It was cold in the morning, but hot at noon.We went to mount emei. It was very beautiful.We talked to monkeys there. Monkeys are very interesting!They are not afraid of strangers, especia..
英语作文 我的梦想
I have a dream, I want to be a bird, because I am so depressed, I think the bird is free.I want to travel under the blue sky;I want to sleep on the clouds;I want to fly with other birds...I want to be free!I long for freedom!I think birds..
我当上了英语课代表 让我开心的一件事300字作文
2月24日这一天,对我来说是难忘的快乐的,因为我被同学们选为临时英语课代表。 我平时在家时,写完作业都会自觉地读英语,虽然每天读10分钟,但是它让我受益无穷。在学校英语课上,我充满自信的大声朗读;写英语作业时,下笔如有神。 下午课间10分钟的时候,..
我的十 一 国庆节作文600字
十月一日是我们伟大祖国母亲的生日。七天的长假为学生们提供了学习和娱乐的好机会,为上班族们提供了休息的好机会,也为喜爱旅游的人提供了充足的时间。所以十一十全国人民欢乐的日子。每个人度过十一的方式都不同,我的是十一生活可总结为:体、学、聚。 我..
快乐的国庆节 让我无比开心的一件事400字作文
国庆节是我们伟大祖国的生日,是我们五十六个民族普天同庆的日子。在这一天全国统一要放好七天假,假日里上班的大人们可以好好地休息了。今年国庆节爸爸也从外面上班回来了,并且给我带来了一个大大的惊喜。 那天吃完早餐爸爸就叫我上街,我就问:“去哪里玩..
My best friend 我的好朋友英语作文
My best friend is Fang yuhan. I first met her in primary shool. We were classmates at that time. As I grew older, we became friends. She is a special girl and she often helps me. She is a good student and I learn a lot from her. We often do our homew..
英语是我的绝招 我的长处作文400字
我在新东方学校读英语。 第一节课,我什么都不懂,这节课老师教我了字母的读音怎么读,我读得时候总是读不准,同学经常笑我,读的不标准,我的脸蛋开始红彤彤的了,我读了两三遍,四五遍还读不准,到了第六遍我才读准了,我感到很丢脸,也不敢朝他们看一眼。..
My mother 我的妈妈英语作文200字
My mother is 35 yeasr old .Her name is Zheng qiong yan . She is very pretty .She is very kind too.She is a art teacher .She works in a middle school . She goes to work by bike every day.She likes readings books very much . She also likes l..
My family 关于我的家人英语作文200字
There are four people in my family .They are my father ,my mother , my brother and I . My father is a doctor . He goes to work by bus . He likes playing football. My mother is a teacher . She goes to work by bike . She likes reading books..
我的英语老师 关于老师作文1200字


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